söndag 4 oktober 2009

Fight Fight! And Dali

After been a short time in Shangri-la I finaly made it to Dali. When I arrived I made a mistake thinking that I was in old Dali, which according to my note I wouldn’t be. But after I realizeld that the old city was too new to be called old Dali I grabbed a taxi. Here I meet in my opinion the most stupid taxidriver. When I told him where I wanted to go he said that he wanted 40 kui, which can sound little but its quite lot here (haircut, lunch, dinner and lots of bear). About the taxi driver, when he was driving he would turn of the ignition when it was downhill. Many things that is hard to describe made quite angry at him, he also wanted to have pay to get back, because it was so far he said. 15 km is not so far, and when you can get about 20 km for about 15 kui you realize how overprized he was. He also refused to drive on taximeter. Well, when I knew where we where I said to him to drop me of (he did not knew even when he had talked with the people at the hostel), I grabed my bag and got out of the cab. I paid him half of the demanded sum, even if that was overprized I really did not feel to pay the way back when he was such a bad driver. I can also say that the Chinese taxidriver get paid even if they not drive. So all this money he got he just put in his own pocket….hate people that not are honest…

Dali is nice, nice place for hanging out and just chilling. Met two guys from England and we decided to go to the lake, ended up in a unforgettable drive whit the smallest bikes you can ride : ) Through a big ricefield and a dirty part of the city we finaly made it to the lake.

Yesterday I spent walking around and looking at souvenirs, although I don’t buy anything, just because its so much shit and I don’t like the idea if carry it for some more days… In the evening we all guys went out for some beer and barbecue, it was awesome, but the best thing was that we meet a bunch of Chinese girls that didn’t speak much English. I was the only one that knewed a little Chinese so I could show of a little… ok, mayby not but I did practice my Chinese : )

When I woke up today I decided to rest in my bed so long as I could, which means to about 11.00. And I also got some entertainment over my morning coffee. Two guys (one elder American and a other strange guy) had a big quarrel. The strange guy where accusing the American to kill civilian, and the amercian told him that he was a : bitch, insane, stupid,tiny,littly…. Well a lot of things, but actual it was quite strange to see two guys in that age behaving more like five years.. Although the American had right, he was just sitting there and the other guy just jumped on him.. well after about 40 minutes of shouting and so on the show ended up that the wiser guy (American) walked away, and my coffee was empty so the fun was over …

Well today I heading to Kunming, just for passing it and sleep there so I don’t miss my flight to Shenzhen.. visiting Henry for a day and then get back to University and reality (although it does not feel as been in China is reality ..)

Silly bike ride

2 kommentarer:

  1. Good to read ur enjoying yourself there, although u know that one of the biggest mistakes people make when travelling to Yunnan, is that they forget to visit the tiger leaping gorge;)

    Taiwan is great as well (apart from the weather) but I'll tell u about it back in Xiamen. btw Saterday the 10th there is supposed to be another real beachparty

  2. fina bilder jimmy! du verkar ju ha det grymt :)
