onsdag 16 december 2009

Christmas coming closer, how do you notice ?

Well, you can notice that the decoartion in stores have a xmas tree and that the employees at mcdonalds and kfc (i only buy coffee and icecream there, and yes, some days here you still want a icecream so you can cool yourself down. But not today... brrrrrrr) wearing xmas hats..

But usual you can feel it more, like breath the atmosphere, here in chine i cant get that feeling. Maybye its just because they actual dont cellibrate Xmas as we so they just dont have it. And there are not any snow or tempuratire below zero.

We will have classes on 24th and 25th.. i guess i will miss those classes, would not feel good to sitt in a classroom when you usual will be with youre brother and sister and maybe standing on the yard with lots of snow throwing little sister in the snow.... Maybye i can find a small chinese and throw he/her instead in the ocean (its not so cold that they would die.... ) hahaha....

So whats happend last week ? Not much actual, study and eating and running... Looking forward to run the Marathon, its just 16 days left! My shape is okay, i think so at least. But realy tired of running!!

Yesterday when i was running though campus they where playing music on the street, its never quite in china.

I think nowdays i spend too much time at my computer, just checking where im going during Chinese New Year. For intrested i made a map where i suppose to go:

My Plan

If somebody that reads this have any tips please tell me ! In Thailand im looking for some cheap and noncrowded place close to Bangkok with NICE beach.

Well, im going back to charachterwriting....

I almost forgott, our univesity arranged a trip to Tulou, which is old round buildings. Quite nice, and some pictures i also have from there !

Take care!

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej Jimmy!
    Det är lika kul att läsa om vad du är med om, varje gång. Jag förstår att det inte märks så mycket där att julen är i antågande, men här märks det! Nu har det snöat i flera dagar, och snötäcket här börjar vara rejält.Även kylan är här-ca 10-15 minus, så en riktig vinter har det blivit.
    Fina bilder du bifogar, det är intressant att se hur det ser ut i ett annat land.
    Hoppas du har det bra! Alla vi önskar dig en riktigt : GOD JUL och GOTT NYTT ÅR!!!
    / Moster Maria
